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  • Band: 01
  • ISSUE 1-12
  • Autor/Zeichner: Garth Ennis / Cover Artist: Glenn FabryInker: Steve DillonPenciller: Steve Dillon
  • Hersteller-Artikel-Nr.: 184102
  • Verlag: Vertigo
  • Genre: Action
  • Verfügbarkeit:
€ 23,99 inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten


Ausstattung: Paperback
Sprache: englisch
Typ: Serie
Inhalt: "Features more blood and blasphemy than any mainstream comic in memory. Cool."-ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLYOne of the most celebrated comics titles of the late 1990s, PREACHER is a modern American epic of life, death, love and redemption also packed with sex, booze, blood and bullets - not to mention angels, demons, God, vampires and deviants of all stripes.At first glance, the Reverend Jesse Custer doesn't look like anyone special-just another small-town minister slowly losing his flock and his faith. But he's about to come face-to-face with proof that God does indeed exist. Merging with a bizarre spiritual force called Genesis, Jesse now possesses the power of "the Word," an ability to make people do whatever he utters. He begins a violent and riotous journey across the country in search of answers from the elusive deity.
Seitenzahl: 340
Farbe: farbig
Im Shop seit: August 2014

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