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- Band: 02
- Autor/Zeichner: Jeff Smith / Jeff Smith
- Hersteller-Artikel-Nr.: 189870
- Verlag: Cartoon Books
- Genre: Fantasy
- Verfügbarkeit:
€ 23,99 inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten
Ausstattung: | Softcover |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Typ: | Serie |
Inhalt: | Two million years ago, at the dawn of humanity, when multiple species of humans lived at the same time, three lost children, a shaggy old timer, and an outcast missing link, fell in with an outsider named Tuki who carried with him the secret of Fire. A rival species, the Habiline, hunt and kill anyone found using fire. When word of the small band of misfits spreads, the new companions find themselves |
Farbe: | farbig |
Im Shop seit: | November 2022 |
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